Study title
Structures and Functions of the Informal Sectors in Ghana
Burchards, Eckehard (Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana )
Study number / PID
ZA5006, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
General and financial situation as well as problems of companies in the
informal sector.
Topics: region and land of origins; ethnic group affiliation; marital
status; occupational activities of spouse; contribution of spouse to
family income; number of children; education level; occupational
activities before founding the business; knowledge necessary to run the
business; manner of knowledge acquisition; reasons for migration;
length of stay in Nima; type of business and location; type of goods or
services offered; sources for goods and equipment; type of customers;
length of business activity up to now; business established alone or
type of take-over; help in founding the business; type of help
received; problems in looking for support; changes in the size of the
business; property situation at founding and present; preference for
sole ownership; length of work week and business hours; sole ownership
of furnishings and equipment of the business or amount of personal
share; co-owners; amount of value of the furnishings and equipment as
well as of the entire business; amount of monthly business expenses;
amount of monthly profit as well as of personal income; credit
possibilities and credit sources; amount of loan interest rates;
personal granting of loans and type of borrower; amount of monthly
loans and interest rates; planned business expansion; biggest problems
expected with business expansion; interest in increased government
support as well as preferred sort of support; preference for work for
wages or self-employment; willingness to invest lottery winnings in the
business as well as scope of such an investment; effect of such an
investment on hiring of workers; preferred use of a lottery prize
otherwise; measures undertaken to improve business; number of people
employed in the business as well as detailed demographic information on