Summary information

Study title

Increasing Recycling of Water Sachet Plastic Among Ghana’s Off-Grid Urban Populations: A Qualitative Study Among Informal Waste Collectors in Greater Accra, Ghana, 2022


Ruby, H, University of Ghana
Emefa, B, University of Ghana
Moses, A, University of Ghana
Josephine, A, University of Ghana
Gustavus, M, University of Ghana
Mavis, A, University of Ghana
Wright, J, University of Southampton
Dzodzomenyo, M, University of Ghana
Umar, F, University of Southampton

Study number / PID

856766 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-856766 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This qualitative data set comprises transcripts from focus group discussions with informal collectors of plastic and general waste in Greater Accra (Ghana). The study aims to determine the extent to which informal waste collectors facilitate waste separation and recycling in off-grid neighbourhoods in Greater Accra. It also aimed to assess the impact of recycled plastic prices and international policy initiatives on businesses in the water sachet recycling chain in Ghana, as well as other barriers to informal waste collector businesses. Though the study employed a convergent parallel design of informal waste collectors within Greater Accra, only the qualitative data (Focus Groups Discussions (FGDs)) are reported in this data set, and quantitative data will be archived separately, as will similar FGDs with waste collectors in Kisumu, Kenya. The sample size for the qualitative study was 60 participants. This comprised twenty-four (24) main collectors of plastic waste, twenty-four (24) sub-collectors of plastic waste and twelve (12) general waste collectors. Waste collectors who operate in the sample area of the Water and Waste project (i.e., 30 Enumeration Areas located in 14 districts of urban Greater Accra) were considered as the target population for the study. Six (6) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) [2 FGDs with main collectors only, 2 FGDs with sub-collectors only and 2 FGDs with general waste collectors] were organized to contextualize and explore the contributions of informal waste collectors to waste management and waste recycling in Ghana as well as barriers to informal waste management businesses. FGD topics covered business establishment, business history, waste collection operations, and enablers and barriers to waste collection. Each FGD comprised 6-12 participants. Informed consent was sought from participants before the commencement of data collection.According to WHO/UNICEF, whilst 91.8% of urban households in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) had access to...
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Data collection period

26/09/2022 - 05/10/2022



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Qualitative interviews; Six (6) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were organized to contextualize and explore the contributions of informal waste collectors to waste management and waste recycling in Ghana as well as barriers to waste management business among informal waste collectors in Ghana. Eligible participants (Main collectors, Sub-collectors General waste collectors) were selected within the target area of the Water and Waste project (i.e., 30 Enumeration Areas) located in 14 districts of Urban Greater Accra using a sampling frame.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The UK Data Archive has granted a dissemination embargo. The embargo will end on 1 March 2024 and the data will then be available in accordance with the access level selected.

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