Study title
Country Youth Investigation (1955)
Bund der Deutschen Landjugend, Bonn
Planck, Ulrich (Institut für Agrarpolitik und Ernährungswissenschaft an der Landwirtschaftlichen Hochschule Hohenheim )
Study number / PID
ZA0477, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Occupation concepts, training or job situation, situation in life as
well as political attitudes and personal moral orientations among young
people in the country.
Topics: Attitude to agricultural or non-agricultural employment;
attitude to working in the country and life in the country; ties to the
land and occupational loyalty; ideas about profitability improvements
in agriculture; occupation advice and criteria in choice of occupation;
judgement on training in the vocational school; attitude to
occupational further education; work satisfaction; daily working hours
and attitude to regular working hours; Sunday work; attitude to current
legal regulation of transfer of the farm; attitude to agricultural
co-operatives; leisure conditions and leisure activities; amount and
use of pocket-money; proportion of income to be turned over; annual
vacation; criteria in selection of spouse; attitude to military service
or conscientious objector status; political interest; attitude to a
united Europe; attitude to compulsory insurance; attitude to women
working and evaluation of the work of women in comparison to the work
of men; desired number of children; personal person to confide in;
sociability; local residency; city size; religiousness; membership in
clubs; family conditions.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; family composition; age und
number of siblings; religious denomination; school education;
vocational training; occupation; social origins; regional origins;
refugee status.