Study title
Country Youth Groups
Sinkwitz, P. (Deutsche Landjugendakademie, Fredeburg )
Study number / PID
ZA0552, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The situation as well as the work of the Bund der deutschen Landjugend
from the view of group chairman and group members.
Topics: Social structure and living conditions of members; family
conditions and position in sibling sequence; social origins; assessment
of personal training and realization of desired occupation; type of
income and available sum of money monthly; time worked each week;
quitting time and work on Sunday; leisure time and vacation trips;
participation in practical training in a foreign country; interest in
attending secondary schools; political interest and participation in
demonstrations; magazines and books read; reason for membership in
country youth groups; membership in clubs and organizations; place and
frequency of group gatherings; length of way to group event and use of
various means of transport; events of the group; judgement on group
evenings, the group and changes observed; judgement on group work;
willingness to participate actively in the group; manner of processing
the group program.
The following additional questions were posed to the group leaders:
description of number of members and development of membership; place
of group evenings and difficulties in obtaining a room; perceived
changes of group interests; description of the primary difficulties in
group work; use of work help from the state association; public
relations work and advertising; distribution of tasks in the group;
participation in group leader schooling.
Also encoded was: group identification.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; family composition; age und number of siblings; position in sibling sequence; religious denomination; school education; vocational training; occupation; income; size of household; composition of household; social origins; city size; possession of durable economic goods.