Study title
Vacation Prediction in North Rhine-Westphalia
Study number / PID
ZA0466, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Vacation behavior, leisure activities on the weekend and intended
vacation trips in the following year.
Topics: Satisfaction with personal economic situation and judgement on
the economic situation of the FRG (Katona questions); expected
development of economic conditions in the next 5 years; preferred means
of transport on vacation trips; preferred vacation destinations and
vacation time; duration of vacation; participation in group travels;
vacation costs; sources of information for the vacation trip;
opportunities used for accomodation; detailed description of trips
planned for the future; preferred type of vacation and vacation
activities; number of vacation trips in the last year; weekend
excursions and leisure activities on the weekend; means of transport
used for weekend excursions; excursion destinations; distances traveled
and time needed; possession of a vehicle; media usage; opinion
leadership and opinion allegiance, organized according to subject
areas; possession of durable economic goods; planned acquisitions for
the coming year; age of spouse; number of days of vacation to which
entitled; company vacation close-down; membership in clubs and
organizations; degree of activity in club; regional origins;
The following questions were posed to married people: detailed
information on division of labor in one´s family; decision structure
with financial expenditures.
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; number of children;
religious denomination; school education; vocational training;
occupation; professional position; employment; household income; size
of household; composition of household; head of household; social
Interviewer rating: social class of respondent.