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The study charted everyday experiences of people belonging to sexual minorities in Finland. Topics studied included the formation of sexual identity, sexual behaviour and experiences of discrimination based on sexual orientation. The respondents were first asked what the orientations of their sexual behaviour and their sexual feelings were, how important they personally regarded religion, whether they were at the moment of the survey or had previously been married, whether they had children, whether the children lived with them, whether they would like to have children, and which method of having a child they would use if they wanted children. Male respondents were also asked whether they had completed military service, and if they had not, whether they were going to do so. Further questions charted whom the respondents lived with, whether they had had intimate relations with a person of the opposite sex, whether they were in a same-sex relationship at the moment of the survey, and whether they had other intimate same-sex relations besides their relationship. One set of questions surveyed how many of their friends were gays or lesbians, and what their relationship to the members of the same sex was principally like. Relating to intimate relationships, questions charted same-sex relationship at the time of the survey, previous same-sex relationships, management of finances, and the division of chores. The next set of questions focused on social relationships, charting the attitude of different people towards the respondents' sexuality (e.g. mother, father, sisters, neighbours), from whom the respondents kept their sexuality secret, how much of their leisure time they spent with gays and lesbians (other than partner), whether their closest friends were women or men and hetero- or homosexual, how many of all their friends were heterosexual, and how many were the same sex as them. One set of questions surveyed the respondents' leisure time, with questions studying...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
1982 - 1983
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Finnish- or Swedish-speaking gays, lesbians and bisexuals living in Finland
Excludes: the Åland Islands
Sampling procedure
Non-probability: Availability
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
The dataset is (C) available only for research including master's theses.
Grönfors, Martti & Haavio-Mannila, Elina & Mustola, Kati & Stålström, Olli (1984). Esitietoja homo- ja biseksuaalisten ihmisten elämäntavasta ja syrjinnästä. Teoksessa: Rakkauden monet kasvot. Homoseksuaalisesta rakkaudesta, ihmisoikeuksista ja vapautumisesta (toim. Sievers, Kai & Stålström, Olli), 132-160. Espoo: Weilin + Göös.