Summary information

Study title

Home, children and power 1996


Ahrne, Göran (Department of Sociology, Uppsala University)
Roman, Christine (Department of Sociology, Uppsala University)

Study number / PID

snd0638-1-2 (SND) (DOI)

Data access



Not available


This is a study of the distribution of work and economic resources between women and men in families in Sweden. In order to get an overview and to be able to describe variations and dominant patterns in different types of families, a survey was conducted of a representative sample within relevant categories of the population. Regarding housework, questions were asked about the distribution of housework in each family/household, whether someone does certain chores most often or whether the work is shared equally. Questions were also asked to investigate latent conflicts and different types of power resources.


Data collection period

03/1996 - 04/1996



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Cohabiting or married couples aged 25–60 residing in Sweden.

Sampling procedure

The lack of comprehensive registers of families or households that also included cohabiting couples without children meant that the sample had to be based on individuals. However, single individuals were not included in the population and were sorted out. The final sample consisted of 1896 cohabiting or married men and women aged 25-60. It is not women and men from the same family who participated in the survey, but each person represents a household.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

The final sample consisted of 1896 cohabiting or married men and women. After reminders and finally through 73 telephone interviews, 1281 responses were received from these, representing an equal number of households (cohabiting couples or families).Two questionnaires were used in the survey, one for women and one for men. Most of the questions were the same in the two questionnaires, but it was assessed that higher validity could be obtained for certain questions if the questions were formulated from a female and male perspective.
Self-administered questionnaire: paper



Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Data are freely accessible.

Related publications

Not available