Summary information

Study title

How Are You, Slovakia?, April 2020


MNFORCE, s.r.o.
Seesame, s.r.o.
Institute for Sociology of SAS
Institute for Research in Social Communication SAS

Study number / PID

SASD 2020002

Data access

Information not available


How Are You, Slovakia?


The survey covers the second month of quarantine measures after the first diagnosed case of COVID-19 in Slovakia on March 6 2020. A week before the fieldwork, the measure limiting movements between administrative regions (SK: okres) of Slovakia during Easter holidays - the most limiting quarantine measure so far - has been lifted. The survey monitors fears of the disease, the expected duration of the epidemic, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine measures, changes of behavior at times of the epidemic and the approval of restrictions introduced by the government limiting personal freedoms. Surveyed are also fears of loosing work, changes in the income situation and changes in leisure time activities and relations within households. The survey also includes questions from the Austrian Corona Panel Project which was fielded in the same time in Austria. This is the second survey from the “How are you, Slovakia?” survey series.


Data collection period

21/04/2020 - 23/04/2020



Time dimension

Cross-section, jednorazový výskum

Analysis unit



Adult inhabitants of Slovakia (18+) with access to the internet

Sampling procedure

The survey used a quota sample from the MNFORCE online panel. The sample was designed as representative for the following socio-demographic variables: gender, age, county (kraj), size of settlement and education of respondent. Only population with access to the internet is covered by the survey. This means that mostly older persons without internet access are missing form the sample.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Online interviews - CAWI



Kajabová, Elena

Publication year

Not available

Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available