Summary information
Study title
How Are You, Slovakia?, March 2020
MNForce, s.r.o.
Seesame, s.r.o.
Institute for Sociology of SAS
Institute for Research in Sovial Communication SAS
Study number / PID
SASD 2020001
Data access
Information not available
Not available
The survey covers the first weeks of quarantine measures after the first diagnosed case of COVID-19 in Slovakia on March 6 2020. At the time of the fieldwork - on March 24 2020 - Slovakia introduced obligatory wearing of face mask outside of home. Before the fieldwork schools have been closed as well as shops and services (with the exception of groceries, chemists, medical supplies, drugstores, petrol stations as well as post offices, banks, insurance services and several other businesses). The survey monitors fears of the disease, the expected duration of the epidemic, agreement and compliance with the introduced quarantine measures and changes of behavior at times of the epidemic. Surveyed are also fears of loosing work, changes in the income situation and changes in leisure time activities and relations within households. Questions on changes in shopping behavior are also covered. This is the first survey from the “How are you, Slovakia?” survey series.
Data collection period
24/03/2020 - 26/03/2020
Time dimension
Cross-section, jednorazový výskum
Analysis unit
Adult inhabitants of Slovakia (18+) with access to the internet
Sampling procedure
The survey used a quota sample from the MNFORCE online panel. The sample was designed as representative for the following socio-demographic variables: gender, age, county (kraj), size of settlement and education of respondent. Only population with access to the internet is covered by the survey. This means that mostly older persons without internet access are missing form the sample.
Kind of data
Not availableData collection mode
Online interviews - CAWI
Kajabová, Elena
Publication year
Not availableTerms of data access
Not availableRelated publications
Not available