Study title
The Labour Force Survey, 2022 (module, Job Skills)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Statistics Norway established the Labor Force Survey (LFS) in 1972, and it has been conducted quarterly ever since. The LFS measures the population's participation in the labor market and provides comprehensive information on unemployment, employment, people outside the labor force, temporary employees, underemployed and other subgroups that are not captured by register-based statistics. This makes the LFS one of the most important sources of information about conditions in the Norwegian labor market.
The module used O*NET as a methodological approach. For example, the module collects data on the share of working time spent on calculations, dexterity, and training others. It also gathers information on the degree of routine tasks and autonomy. The purpose of the module is to assess whether individuals possess the skills required for their jobs. This is because jobs can vary significantly in task composition and requirements, even if they belong to the same occupational codes (ISCO).