Study title
Working and Living Conditions of Young People in Dresden 1984
Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6109, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Goals in life, housing conditions, intent to change place of residence and
reasons for or against this, work attitude and characteristics of work activity,
political attitudes and social activity.
Length of residence and sense of well-being at place of residence;
reasons to remain or change place of residence (scale);
practicality of intended change of place of residence;
location of place of residence and work;
living in new construction area;
time needed for the way to work and means of transport used;
availability of leisure and service facilities (scale);
satisfaction with social and leisure conditions in residential area;
satisfaction with environmental conditions in residential area (scale);
annoyance from traffic and industrial noise;
school degree;
common household with steady partner or spouse;
length of marriage;
size and furnishing of residence (scale);
satisfaction with housing conditions (scale);
intent to change residence and application for residence assignment;
number of children and desire for children;
possession of durable consumer goods (scale);
goals in life (scale);
solidarity with Dresden;
attitude to requirements of scientific-technical progress (scale);
attitudes to work, high achievements and equal rights in occupation (scale);
attitudes to world-wide victory of socialism;
solidarity with the Soviet Union;
stand on jeopardy to peace through imperialism and
preservation of peace through communism;
solidarity with the GDR;
membership in FDJ;
participation in social activities (scale);
member in youth brigade;
work in shift work;
working conditions (scale);
length of employment;
satisfaction with working conditions (scale);
concept on occupational development;
apprentice year.