Study title
Internet Use by Students at the University of Turku 2006
Kouvo, Antti (University of Turku. Department of Sociology)
Räsänen, Pekka (University of Turku. Department of Sociology)
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2319 (URN)
In this survey, the Internet use of the students at the University of Turku was canvassed, as well as their assessments on the reliability of online services and problem Internet use. The respondents were asked about the amount of time they daily spent on the Internet and the purposes they used the Internet for (e.g. information searches, e-mail, e-business, dating services). They also assessed the reliability of bank, library, and other services. In addition, they listed positive and negative aspects of Internet use, as well as various concerns related to the topic. Finally, the respondents listed the criteria for problem Internet use, and they were also asked whether they considered themselves problem Internet users. Background variables included the respondent's gender, age group, type of accommodation, and faculty.