Summary information

Study title

Slovenian-Austrian Comparative Values Survey, 1994


Vodopivec, Katja

Study number / PID



Data access

Information not available


Not available


With research of deviant acts on Slovene before hundred years, authors wanted to find out whether public opinion about so named ugly and negligent behaviour of people change with time and if it does, than how. They compared eighties in 19. and 20. century. With this manner they wanted to get more dipper view of their time (year 1985) and behaviour of people in it. Research was done by analysing content of articles published in Slovene daily newspapers.
With research of deviant acts on Slovene before hundred years, authors wanted to find out whether public opinion about so named ugly and negligent behaviour of people change with time and if it does, than how. They compared eighties in 19. and 20. century. With this manner they wanted to get more dipper view of their time (year 1985) and behaviour of people in it. Research was done by analysing content of articles published in Slovene daily newspapers.
With research of deviant acts on Slovene before hundred years, authors wanted to find out whether public opinion about so named ugly and negligent behaviour of people change with time and if it does, than how. They compared eighties in 19. and 20. century. With this manner they wanted to get more dipper view of their time (year 1985) and behaviour of people in it. Research was done by analysing content of articles published in Slovene daily newspapers.


Data collection period



Slovenia Ljubljana

Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit

Media unit: TextArticle


Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Purposive

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Content codingContent analysis - hand coding with the help of a pre-prepared code list.



Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives

Publication year


Terms of data access

For certain reasons, it was not possible for Slovenian Social Science Data Archives to reach a licencing agreement with the author. If you own copyrights, please contact us.

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