Study title
Slovenian Public Opinion Survey 1996: Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)
Tos, Niko (Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Center, University of Ljubliana, Slowenien )
Study number / PID
ZA3529, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Socio-economic and political situation, role of government
and attitudes toward European integration; CSES Module.
Topics: Urgent problems of the country; relatedness to the country;
situation in the society; areas of governmental spending; social
differences; living conditions; satisfaction with democracy; evaluation
of democracy; satisfaction with material conditions; current situation
in society; trust in institutions; efficiency of the government; system
of values (scale); attitudes toward the European Union; sympathy rating
of parties; left-right self-placement; party preferences; voting;
nuclear power station Krsko; evaluation of political parties and
political leaders; state of economy; members of Parliament; attitudes
toward elections; prestige of political leaders; role of church in
politics; religious practice; believe in God; sports and recreation
activity; newspapers; TV news.