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Selected time series of studies on wage- and salary development and on the development of national income in Germany from 1850 to 1985
Hoffmann, Walther G.
Hohls, Rüdiger
Pierenkemper, Toni
Study number / PID
ZA8177, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.8177 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
The Data-compilation is a selection of time-series on wage- and salary development as well as on the development of the national income in Germany from 1850 to 1985. The following studies has been included:
- Walther G. Hoffmann (1965): Das Wachstum der deutschen Wirtschaft seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts.
- Rüdiger Hohls (1991): Arbeit und Verdienst. Entwicklung und Struktur der Arbeitseinkommen im Deutschen Reich und in der Bundesrepublik.
- Pierenkemper, Toni (1987): Arbeitsmarkt und Angestellte im deutschen Kaiserreich 1880-1913. Interessen und Strategien als Elemente der Integration eines segmentierten Arbeitsmarktes.
- Wiegand, Erich/Zapf, Wolfgang (1982): Wandel der Lebensbedingungen in Deutschland. Wohlfahrtsentwicklung seit der Industrialisierung.
Tables in ZA-Online-Database HISTAT:
A. Hoffmann, Walther G.: The Growth of the German Economy since the mid of the 19th century
A.1 The average earned income per annum by industrial sector (1850-1959)
A.2 The average earned income per annum in mining and saline (1850-1959)
A.3 The average earned income per annum in industry and craft (1850-1959)
A.4 The average earned income per annum in transport (1850-1959)
A.5 The average earned income per annum in other services (1850-1959)
A.6 Net national product (NNP) in factor costs in current prices and national income per capita according to Hoffmann (1850-1959)
A.7 Gross value added and real national income per capita in prices of 1913 according to Hoffmann (1850-1959)
A.8 The development of average earned income of employees in industry and craft, Index 1913 = 100 (1850-1959)
B. Hohls, Rüdiger: The Sectoral Structure of Earnings in Germany
B.1 Nominal annual earnings of employees by industrial sector in Germany in Mark, 1885-1985
B.2 Nominal earnings of white collar workers and blue collar workers in Germany, 1890-1940
C. Living costs, prices and earnings, consumer price index
C.1 Development of living costs (index) of medium employees’ households...
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Not available
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
1850 - 1985
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Not available
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.