Summary information

Study title

The development of delinquency in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1955 to 2003. Selected indicators of delinquency statistics


Sensch, Jürgen

Study number / PID

ZA8210, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.8210 (DOI)

Data access

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In this study the data-collection of H.-G. Heiland about the development of offences against property and capital from 1953 to 1980 in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is joined with a survey of the main-indicators of delinquency-development, collected by the police delinquency-statistics (German abbreviation: PKS, Source: Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Office of Criminal Investigation)) from 1954 to 2003 as well as with the prosecution statistics (german abbreviation: StVStat, Source: Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt)) from 1954 to 2002. The time series on single offences within the field of property and capital related crime were completed by other important indicators related to crime in the Federal Republic of Germany The following statistics of the police delinquency-statistics (PKS) has been included: - total number of all crimes registered by the police, - total number of crimes solved by the police, - ratio of solved crimes (defines the percentage of crimes solved by the police as compared to the registered cases), - criminal offences by selected delict-groups - total number of suspects registered by the police (the respective figures include children below the age of criminal responsibilty, which is 14 years), - number of suspects at the age of criminal responsibilty (from 14 years on), - number of abjudicated persons and convicts. - convicted persons by delict-groups Topics: Factual classification of the tables in HISTAT: A. Historical review B. Basic table of residence population for the conversion of total numbers into figures related to suspects and convicts C. Time series of the development of property and capital related crime from 1953 to 1980 (H.-G. Heiland) according to the police delinquency-statistics (PKS of the Federal Office of Criminal Investigation) D. Prosecution according to the prosecution statistics (german abbreviation: StVStat) E. Suspects according to the delinquency-statistics (german...
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Data collection period

1955 - 2003



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

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Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Sources:Official Delinquency-Statistics. Data-collection, publishing office at federal level.Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (Bundeskriminalamt): Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik (PKS).Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt): Strafverfolgungsstatistik (StVStat).Heiland, H.-G., 1982: Kriminalstatistische Arbeitsmaterialien II.



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

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A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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