Study title
Baby Care Questionnaire, 2012-2015
Gattis, M, Cardiff University
Au, T, Hong Kong University
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-852422 (DOI)
This data collection consists of survey data collected in the United Kingdom, China and Hong Kong. The aim of the project was to develop and evaluate a Chinese version of the Baby Care Questionnaire (BCQ). The BCQ measures parenting principles that guide care during infancy, and specific practices with respect to infant feeding, sleeping, and soothing (Winstanley & Gattis, 2013). See the file List of BCQ Archive Files for more information.
UK –based BCQ data has revealed two factors or parenting principles, structure and attunement. Structure refers to reliance on routines and schedules, and attunement refers to reliance on infant cues.
The project will involve three studies to develop and evaluate the reliability and cross-cultural validity of the BCQ in the UK, Hong Kong, and mainland China.The resulting measure will be a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of theoretical and practical questions, including how parenting environments during infancy influence social and cognitive development, how changing socioeconomic and political conditions around the world are influencing families, and how risk factors surrounding birth, such as preterm birth, interact with individual and cultural factors, such as parenting principles and practices.