Summary information

Study title

Computer-Assisted Linguistic Analysis of the Peshitta


W.T. van Peursen (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17026/dans-zv9-w9d2 (DOI)

easy-dataset:57717 (DANS-KNAW)

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CALAP (Computer-Assisted Linguistic Analysis of the Peshitta), a joint research project of the Peshitta Institute Leiden and the Werkgroep Informatica at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (1999-2005)CALAP concerned the computer-assisted analysis of the Peshitta to Kings (Janet Dyk and Percy van Keulen) and the Peshitta to Sirach (Wido van Peursen) and the development of computer programs (Constantijn Sikkel and HendrikJan Bosman). The CALAP project leaders were Konrad Jenner and Eep Talstra.CALAP was succeeded by the Turgama project, again a joint research project of the Peshitta Institute Leiden and the Werkgroep Informatica at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2005-2010). The Turgama project leader was Wido van Peursen. Other researchers involved were Percy van Keulen (Targum Judges), Dirk Bakker (Book of the Laws of the Countries), Constantijn Sikkel (scientific programming), Jeffrey A. Volkmer (Oriental Institute, Oxford; Peshitta Psalms) and Ariel Gutman (working with Wido van Peursen on the two Syriac Versions of the Prayer of Manasseh).This dataset contains:(i) a pdf document on the digital encoding and analysis of the data: 'TURGAMA Computer-Assisted Analysis of the Peshitta and the Targum: Text, Language and Interpretation.' This document also serves to describe the method of encoding used by the CALAP project.(ii) the result of the CALAP project in several formats:(a) EMDROS (see relations below), which is the tool of choice adopted by the ETCBC to communicate its data with others(b) LAF = Linguistic Annotation Framework (see relations below), which is the result of converting the EMDROS database into the ISO standard LAF.(iii) A file containing tree representation of all sentences in the text. This has been compiled using LAF-Fabric (see relations below) to convert the Peshitta text from EMDROS to LAF and then to apply an algorithm to assemble the tree structures based on the LAF data(iv) A set of files containing the current version of LAF-Fabric,...
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DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities

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