Summary information

Study title

Greek Historiography in the 20th century. Debates on Identity and Modernization


Efi Gazi (University of the Peloponnese)

Study number / PID

doi:10.17903/FK2/RY5UHO (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The working hypothesis of this project is that Greek historiography of the 20th century provided the testing ground for two related issues which dominated in Greek realities: identity and modernization. The project is articulated around two axes: A) How the perceptions of the past changed as the country’s borders expanded and new populations were incorporated in the state, and B) how Greek historiography related and/or responded to projects of modernization. The deliverables of the project are: 1. A bibliographical guide on the history of Greek historiography containing information about authors, works, keywords etc. 2. A «Map» of Greek Historiography: An overview of the various settings of Greek Historiography, their inception, development and contribution in historiography. Universities and research centers, groups and associations of historians, constitute spaces where historiography is produced, diffused and debated. 3. An audiovisual archive: «Encounters with historians» who influenced and continue to influence contemporary Greek historiography. «Encounters» will not only focus on individuals but also on intellectual trends, linkages between subjective positions and wider socio-cultural currents, processes of history making etc. 4. A volume on «Key debates in Greek Historiography» through which we can acquire a deeperunderstanding of historiography’s political and cultural challenges and on its complexities. 5.Two Interdisciplinary Workshops on «Themes, Concepts and Methods in Historiography» and an International Conference on «Greek Historiography in European and Global Perspective». 6. A website in both the Greek and English languages with relevant material and research results of the project, available to researchers, historians, educators and the general public.



Data collection period

Not available



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Historical Archives

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Purposive

Kind of data

Textual data

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview

Funding information


General Secreteriat of Research and Technology (GSRT), NSRF 2007-2013

Grant number

2644 Αristeia Ι



Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

Not available