Study title
Budget accounts of private households in 19th and 20th century
Pierenkemper, Toni (Seminar für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität zu Köln)
Study number / PID
ZA8173, Version 2.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The expenditure accounts of private households are an important socio-historical source and serve as an instrument for the determination of changes in the living standards of population. The scientific analysis of private household budgets was already started in the end of the 18th century with an investigation of the situation of families in rural lower classes in England. In Germany the beginnings of the work with household statistics took place in the middle of the 19th century.
The study “Budget accounts of private households in 19th and 20th century” contains data on budgets of approx. 4000 households in the period from 1850 to 19287 from different sources. The data contains the following information:
1. Description of the budget accounts of private households
- Survey year of the budget book
- Currency
- Residence of the household
- Survey type of the budget accounts; interview or private budget books
- Survey frequency
2. Description of the interviewed household
- Number of adults
- Number of children
- Number of working children
- Number of other household members
- Occupation of the husband
- Occupation of the wife
-Occupation of the children
- Data on self-sufficiency, e.g. livestock farming, gardening, etc.
3. List of household income
- Wage of husband
- Wage of wife
- Wage of children
- Income trough subletting
- Gifts
- Social benefits
- Disposal
- Income trough self-sufficiency (livestock farming, gardening, etc.)
- Other income
- Total income
4. Application of household income for different expense items
- Foods (differentiated by animal-based and plant-based food, beverages, luxury food, food altogether)
- Rent
- Furniture
- Heating
- Light
- Expenses for living altogether
- Clothing
- Body care and health
- Culture and mental stimulation
- Taxes
- Free-time activities
- Expenditure altogether