Eyewitness testimony by adults with autism spectrum disorder, experimental data 2012-2013
Abstract There are two sets of data uploaded.
(1.) This data is from a paper in Applied Cognitive Psychology titled "Evaluating the effectiveness of the Self-Administered Interview for witnesses with autism spectrum disorder" (Maras, K. L., Mulchahy, S., Memon, A., Picariello, F. & Bowler, D. M.).
The widely used evidence-based police interviewing technique, the Cognitive Interview, is not effective for witnesses with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study examined whether a modification of the Cognitive Interview that removes the social element, the Self-Administered Interview© (SAI, Gabbert, Hope & Fisher, 2009), is more useful in facilitating recall by ASD witnesses. One of the main components of the Cognitive Interview is context reinstatement, where the witness follows verbal instructions from the interviewer to mentally recreate the personal and physical context that they experienced during the event. The present findings showed that this procedure is not effective for witnesses with ASD in SAI format in which the social component of its administration is removed. However, the SAI sketch plan component did elicit more correct details from the ASD group, although to a lesser degree than for the comparison group. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
(2)This data is from a paper titled: "Recall of a live and personally experienced eyewitness event by adults with autism spectrum disorder", which was published in 2013 in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Maras, K. L., Memon, A., Lambrechts, A. & Bowler, D.M., 2013).
The aim of the present study was to a) extend previous eyewitness research in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using a live and personally experienced event; b) examine whether witnesses with ASD demonstrate a facilitative effect in memory for self- over other-performed actions; c) explore source monitoring abilities by witnesses with ASD in discriminating who performed which actions within the event....
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