Summary information

Study title

Global Partnerships as sites for mutual learning: teachers' professional development through study visits


Martin, F, University of Exeter

Study number / PID

851140 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-851140 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Since 2000 schools in England have been actively encouraged by the government to establish a Global School Partnership. Some small-scale studies have shown that the impact of such partnerships on pupils' learning can be counterproductive to that which is intended. In particular, how pupils are supported in their responses to difference and to poverty is causing concern. A contributing factor is that many teachers lack the knowledge and experience required to adequately address issues of an intercultural and global nature that are integral to partnership learning. One of the strategies for developing teachers' knowledge is North-South study visit programmes. No study to date has systematically investigated what and how professionals from both countries learn from North-South study visits or the relationship between this learning and their practice over time. The study aims to investigate what teachers learn from these study visits, and how they make use of what has been learnt back in their own educational settings, giving equal weight to the learning of both northern and southern partners. The research has been devised within an interpretive paradigm and the collaborative, participatory approaches aims to mirror the mutual learning processes that are central to the two courses being investigated.



Data collection period

01/10/2009 - 31/01/2013


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Ethnography, interviews, biographical questionnaires, focus group interviews, online questionnaire, documentary analysis. Sample: participants from two organisations taking part in study visits from the UK to The Gambia and Southern India (2 course leaders, 10-15 course participants, and sample 4 participants from each course for in-depth interviews); participants from two organisations hosting study visits in The Gambia and Southern India (2 in lead role, 10 teachers / educators / development workers in each location). These produced:71 Interview transcripts in word format for 48 respondents42 Biographical questionnaires in word format for 42 respondents. 9 questions.71 Questionnaires exported from Limesurvey in excel format for 71 respondents. 38 questions.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

All data have been anonymised for individuals. The names of the participating organisations have not been removed since informed consent was granted on the basis that their role in the research be visible / recognised (in keeping with the participatory, collaborative nature of the research).

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Not available