Study title
Federal Parliament Election 1972 (Initial Investigation, September 1972)
MARPLAN, Offenbach
Study number / PID
ZA0665, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on government, parties and politicians.
Topics: attitude to Federal Chancellor Brandt; suspected relationship
between a possible vote of no confidence against Brandt and a
deterioration of election chances for the government in a new election;
behavior at the polls in the Federal Parliament election 1969 and party
preference; preferred government coalition; preferred candidate for
chancellor and foreign minister; preference for a party or its youth
organizations; influence of spouse in voting decision; media usage;
sources of political information and self-assessment of extent to which
informed politically; sympathy scale for the SPD, CDU/CSU and FDP;
knowledge of politicians and their party affiliation; image of Brandt,
Barzel, Strauss and Scheel (semantic differential as well as sympathy
scale) and image of the parties; judgement on the achievements of the
Brandt-Scheel government; expected influence of the FDP on the
government; preference for reform policies or price stability;
judgement on the policies and the resignation of Minister of Trade and
Commerce, Schiller; issue competence of the parties and the politicians
Schmidt and Strauss; judgement on the influence of interest groups in
the FRG; assessment of the responsibility of interest groups for the
price increase; general political attitudes; attitude to tax increases
and to the term ´socialism´; judgement on the ´Quick affair´ and the
assumed role of the government in this case; religiousness; housing
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; religious
denomination; school education; vocational training; occupation;
household income; state; refugee status.
Interviewer rating: length of interview; city code.
Also encoded was: district code.