Study title
Problems of Medium-Sized Entrepreneurs
Daheim, Hans-Jürgen (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung, Soziologische Abteilung, Köln )
Kaupen, Wolfgang (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung, Soziologische Abteilung, Köln)
Study number / PID
ZA0360, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Occupational and economic situation of medium-sized entrepreneurs in
the Cologne region.
Topics: Position in company and activity areas; judgement on
competition situation; specialization of employees; contact with
employees and customers; company recommendation procedure; production
program; use of advertising; costing; accounting; possibilities of
expansion; legal form of the company; company founding; level of
turnover; problems of medium-sized companies; attitude to the welfare
state; perceived handicap from economic policy; utilization of external
advisers; family members in the company; occupation and training of
father; reading technical literature; membership in clubs, associations
and occupational organizations; judgement on occupational organization;
work satisfaction; course of education; satisfaction with profit
situation; use of a high financial profit. Semantic differentials for:
loneliness, costing, competition and customers.
Demography: age (classified); marital status; number of children;
religious denomination; school education; vocational training;
occupation; income; social origins; media usage.