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The increasing popularity and use of digital platforms and social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are opening up new opportunities for children, young people and adults to pursue cultural interests or to stage themselves aesthetically. If we focus on young people between the ages of 12 and 19, a number of studies on media use show that YouTube in particular has become the leading medium for this age group. Given the growth in importance of this web video platform, questions arise about the receptive and productive content of experience and the significance of cultural content and practices. Furthermore, there are hardly any findings on the extent to which YouTube stimulates young people to engage in cultural activities and self-organized learning processes.
The sample is composed of n=818 adolescents aged 12-19 years. The selection of the study units was based on a quota procedure. The adolescent target subjects were recruited via the IFAK interviewer staff according to predefined quotas for age, gender, region, place size class, type of school attended (for students), and occupation (for non-students). The characteristics "age and gender" and "region and place size" were crossed or combined with each other to produce as accurate a representation of the population as possible. The characteristic "migration background" was not used as a quota characteristic.
The specifications for this are based on the latest data from the Federal Statistical Office and ma Radio 2018 II.
The structural composition of the sample corresponds to the data for the population according to the characteristics mentioned.
The study was conducted as a face-to-face oral survey. The answers of the young people were recorded by an interviewer on a laptop via a corresponding survey program. 111 face-to-face interviewers from the in-house interviewing staff, who have experience in interviewing children and adolescents, were used. The predefined questionnaire was...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.