Study title
Schoolchildren and Health (Teachers Survey, Elementary School)
Institut für Markt- und Werbeforschung (IMW), Köln
Study number / PID
ZA1013, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Knowledge and conduct in the area of health as well asproblems of
health education of 6 - 10 year-old children from the view of teachers.
Topics: personal interest in health questions; preferred sources of
information about health questions; assessment of personal knowledge
about health matters; self-assessment of health-conscious way of life;
personal activities on preservation of health; satisfaction with
personal condition of health and condition of health of relatives and
schoolchildren; level of health expectations; personal health
complaints; work satisfaction; contentment with life; greatest
problems; obvious health problems of school children; educational
goals; appropriate age for the start of health education influence on
children; judgement on the interest and knowledge of schoolchildren in
health questions; judgement on health-conscious habits of children;
preferred methods for health education; assessment of personal health
education abilities; preferred measures to increase health education
competence of parents; attitude to a school subject ´health education´;
actual and desired number of monthly hours for health education;
detailed determination of health education topics actually taught and
considered desirable in the different school years; preferred means of
instruction on health education; type of control of instruction
success; expected effectiveness of this survey; detailed questionnaire
Nearly all the above-mentioned topics were surveyed in the form of
Demography: age; sex; school year; marital status.
Also encoded were: ZIP (postal) code; city size; identification of
interviewer and a number of indices.