Study title
The Role of the Safety Engineer in the System of Company Job Safety
Diekershoff, Karl-Heinz (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für System- und Konzeptforschung, Köln )
Kliemt, Gundolf (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für System- und Konzeptforschung, Köln )
Diekershoff, Sibylle (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für System- und Konzeptforschung, Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA0679, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The occupational situation, position in the company and work demands of
the safety engineer in the FRG before the job safety law goes into
Topics: Institutionalization of maintenance of industrial health and
safety standards in the company; position of respondent in business;
personnel deployment in the safety system; start of safety activities
in the company; professional image and occupational qualification of
the safety engineer; motivation for acceptance of the position of
full-time or part-time safety engineer; position within the company
hierarchy; self-image of the safety engineer and expectations of
business management, the works council and company executives of the
safety engineer; activities and integration of the safety engineer in
the company; problems in the job; advancement expectations and change
of company; degree of professionalization of the occupation; company
size; proportion of commercial employees; proportion of female and
foreign employees in the company; production structure of the company;
type of regulations governing industrial relations and legal form.
Demography: age (classified); school education; vocational training;
further education; state; membership.