Study title
Data from "Data Retention Status"
Farace, Dominic (GreyNet International, Grey Literature Network Service)
Lim, SeokJong (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Kim, Jayhoon (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/SS/EJ1YUF (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The purpose of the online survey on data retention was to arrive at a better understanding of the types of data holdings by research organizations in the field of grey literature. The ROR-ID became the initial criteria in determining the survey population in this study. Of the 223 organizations listed in the 4th edition of the International Directory of Organizations in Grey Literature (IDGL), 51 were selected based on their currentness and type(s) of affiliation with GreyNet International. The closed-ended part of the questionnaire dealt with the types of data produced and/or collected in digital and non-digital formats. Also, it inquired as to whether the data was open access compliant or via paid subscriptions. If metadata was assigned, inquiry was made as to the content licensing, and if the organization provided internet online services. The results of the survey remain compiled and preserved in SurveyMonkey as well as in DANS, Data Station for the Social Sciences and Humanities.