Study title
Security in Public Spaces: Acceptance of Security Measures, in particular Data Retention, Airport and CCTV in the United Kingdom
Bug, Mathias (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Riedl, Jasmin (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Münch, Ursula (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Study number / PID
ZA6442, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
In its political science part, the Collaborative Research Project on Security in Public Space (SIRA) looked at European-comparisons with the influence of institutional regimes on the approval of security policy measures.
For this purpose, the project analyzed the internal security policy field. The focus was on the so-called data retention (minimum retention period), which was discussed in parallel in the countries of the European Union. The quantitative survey also included the airport and CCTV areas.
The United Kingdom and Germany served as examples of different political and institutional regimes. Based on this, the influence of the country-specific institutional structure on the assessment of security policy measures by the population was empirically verified. The present (German) data set includes the interviews of the Pretests and the field work.
Trust in politics, political institutions, courts and security institutions. Internet and Internet security. Perception and assessment of security measures and data retention. Attitude towards measures in air traffic and video surveillance as well as data exchange between security authorities. Political attitudes, voting behaviour.