Social Experiences of Young People in Transition into Working Life 1989 (Skilled Workers)
Daily values, future expectations and satisfaction with choice of
Topics: Occupation learned; activity in occupation learned;
satisfaction with occupation; change of occupation and reasons for
this; activity in company doing the training; reasons for change of
company; work values (scale); shift work and readiness to work in
shift work; relations in work collective; role of the FDJ (scale);
free expression of opinion at work; willingness to participate in
commissions and committees; preparation of school for demands in
life; school knowledge as solid basis for vocational training and
occupational activity; significance of subjects for vocational
training; difficulties in transition from vocational training to
occupational activity; influence of science and technology on future
occupation; every-day values such as work, money, harmonic family
life, achievement, obedience, knowledge, good relations, political
position, good friends and colleagues; future expectations (scale);
goals in life (scale); changes in organization of leisure time; time
period of life planning; current situation in life and life planning
regarding residence, partnership, children, occupation, political
commitment; possession of consumer goods; expenditure structure;
material desires; future financial expenditures; grade of the final
examination of the 10th grade; result of skilled worker examination;
membership and functions in organizations; belonging to leisure
groups such as trend-followers, Grufties, Funkies, Skinheads, New
Waver, Punks or Heavy Metals; satisfaction with occupation;
qualification readiness; vocational certificate and occupation group
of parents; willingness to participate further in the survey.