Education, job prospects and volunteering of the European Youth.
Topics: participation in activities of sports, leisure, cultural, political, local, environmental, human rights or global development, non-governmental organisation in the last 12 months; vote participation during the last three years on local, regional, national and EU level; involvement in organised voluntary activities in the last twelve months; voluntary activities were aimed at changing something in the local community, the own country, other European countries or another part of the world; relation of activities to climate change or the environment, culture or art, education, training or sports, human rights, charity, humanitarian and development aid, animal welfare, politics, religion; formal recognition for participation in voluntary activities; expenses in relation to voluntary activities and contribution; ever volunteered abroad; participation in activities or projects with young people from other European countries or from other continents in the last 12 months; participation in selected cultural activities in the last 12 months; confidence of job prospects; main concerns regarding the job prospects.
Demography: age; sex; age when stopped full-time education; current type of education or training; highest level of education or training; professional position; region; type of community; telephone equipment: own a mobile phone and fixed (landline) phone; number of persons in the household aged 15 years and older (household size).
Additionally coded was: weighting factor.