Study title
Saarland Election Investigation 1975 (Panel: Preliminary Investigation, March 1974)
Kaase, Max (Lehrstuhl für politische Wissenschaft, Universität Mannheim )
Study number / PID
ZA0866, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on politicians, parties, government and opposition on the
occasion of the state parliament election in the Saarland.
Topics: Besides many identical parts from the first wave the following
was additionally addressed in this survey: intent to participate in the
state parliament election and voting intent in the coming municipal
election; influence of the reform of territory and government on one´s
own voting decision; attitude to Ostpolitik and European policies;
knowledge about the re-organization of government in the Saarland;
judgement on the extent of the energy crisis and assignment of
responsibility; judgement on one´s own job security.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; religious denomination;
religiousness; school education; occupation; employment; household
income; size of household; composition of household; head of household;
self-assessment of social class.
Interviewer rating: willingness of respondent to cooperate; number of
contact attempts; length of interview; type of city.