Voter Movement in Wilhelminian Germany. The Reichstag Elections of 1890 to 1912
With his longitudinal study a ´Global analysis´ for the entire Reich
in its regional variety is sought in order to be able to analyse
connections between regional traditions and political situations
based on statistically solid base information on social structure.
Even in phases of rapid social change this connection can only be followed
over a long time interval.
The analyses conducted by J. Schmaedeke encompass the time interval
of the 6 Reichstag elections of 1890 to 1912.
Descriptive data in the form of an exact counting of the votes
for the individual candidates and parties is available.
The long-time comparison encompassing
the entire German Reich in the years 1890 to 1912 (thus the
epoch of ´Wilhelminian Germany´),
is based on regional differences:
They are recorded differentiated and form the
basis for the connections between voter conduct,
characteristics of social structure and
historical-regional idiosyncracies).
In particular the following characteristics on social structure were recorded:
region, province/federal state (nominal),
constituency size, eligible voters (in thousand),
election turnout, votes cast in %,
Protestant population proportion in %,
Catholic population proportion in %,
resident population (absolute),
working population (absolute),
agriculture, proportion of workers in %,
industry/business, proportion of workers in %,
trade/service, proportion of workers in %,
city size < 2000, eligible voter proportion in %,
city size 2000 to < 10000, eligible voter proportion in %,
city size at least 10000, eligible voter proportion in %.