Study title
Company Sociological Aspects of Institutionalized Accident Prevention in Large Companies
Diekershoff, Karl-Heinz (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für System- und Konzeptforschung, Köln )
Kliemt, Gundolf (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für System- und Konzeptforschung, Köln )
Diekershoff, Sibylle (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für System- und Konzeptforschung, Köln )
Study number / PID
ZA0678, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude to job safety and existence of measures to prevent accidents.
Decision-making processes in the system of job safety.
Topics: Assessment of accident frequency in the company; proportion of
unavoidable accidents; existence of series of accidents; reactions of
employees to safety regulations and use of industrial health and safety
standards; controversies within the company about accident prevention
measures; extent to which informed about company accident statistics,
calculation of lost work time and accident costs; frequency of company
inspections; effects of the law on continued payment of wages on the
accident development; criteria for the selection of the safety
official; task area and schooling of the safety official; existence and
topics of consultation of the safety committee in the company;
characterization of the most frequent accident causes in the company;
length of company employment and position held in the company; founding
year, legal form, number of employees, proportion of women and
proportion of guest workers of the company; type of pay; production
Index: degree of institutionalization of the safety system.
Demography: age (classified); school education; vocational training;
professional career; state.