Summary information

Study title

Students at Hessian Colleges on Questions of Politics


Paul, Gerd (Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt )
Demirovic, Alex (Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt)

Study number / PID

ZA2859, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.2859 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Political participation and attitudes of Hessian students. Topics: type and content of studies; degree sought; number of semesters; activity before start of studies; most important reasons for current studies; manner of financing studies; attitude to support for college studies from public funds for selected fringe groups; extent of available financial funds and proportion of student aid; rent costs; housing situation; satisfaction with housing; satisfaction with studies; major reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction; current personal burden; reasons for thoughts of interrupting course of study; the role of the sciences (scale); personal college political involvement; most sympathetic and most unsympathetic college group; participation in actions on university reform; frequency of contact with selected groups of persons within and outside of the college; assessment of personal occupation and job market chances after conclusion of course of studies; expectations one´s own professional position in the year 2000; demands and ideal concepts regarding future professional life; time budget for studies, work and political activities; proportion of remaining leisure time; daily and weekly newspapers regularly read; importance of selected leisure activities; preference of values; interest in political events, university policy questions and developments as well as European policies; political participation; most important reasons for political non-involvement; reasons for sooner positive or negative expectation of further political and social development; self-assessment on a left-right continuum in comparison to the majority as well as one´s fellow students; understanding of left and right; degree of agreement of one´s own political stand with various political fundamental philosophies; attitude to political questions and agreement with selected political goals (scale); designation of nations and ethnic groups for which one has particular sympathy or antipathy;...
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Data collection period

06/1994 - 07/1994


Time dimension


Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Probability: Systematic random
Simple random selection. Every 35th full-time student was selected from the data of the university administrations of the five Hessian universities.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Mail survey



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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