Study title
Use of Intoxicants; Hamburg Schoolchildren (1971)
Jasinsky, Michael (Seminar für Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg)
Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburg
Study number / PID
ZA0769, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Social contacts, coming to the attention of the police, use of
intoxicants as well as reasons for use of alcohol and nicotine among
schoolchildren, apprentices and young workers.
Topics: Occurrence of suicide, mental deficiency, alcohol and
intoxicant addiction in family of respondent as well as with the
respondent himself; relationship to school and company; favorite
subjects; characterization of family life; frequency of alcohol
intoxication; frequency and type of intoxicants used; last used
intoxicant; age at first use of intoxicants; attempts not to use the
intoxicant any more; use of cigarettes; attitude to use of intoxicants
(scale); use of intoxicants by reference group; relationship with
parents; school achievements and influence of intoxicants on school
achievements; reasons for use of hashish and transferring to other
drugs; effects of use of intoxicants; attitude to prohibition of
hashish, marijuana; reasons for use of drugs; sources of supply of
intoxicants; personal dealer activity; knowledge of personal use of
intoxicants by officials and parents as well as consequences from this
knowledge; coming to the attention the police; attitude to drug advice
centers; assessment of the social system; violence as political means;
manner of organization of leisure time; practice of meditation.
Demography: age; sex; family composition; age and number of siblings;
religious denomination; religiousness; school education; vocational
training; social origins.