The study investigated the interaction styles used by physical education and sport professionals in different situations related to physical education and sport training. The survey was answered by physical education teachers, sports trainers and health professionals, with a separate questionnaire for each professional group, following the same pattern. Different situations were presented in the questionnaires to find out the interaction styles of teachers, coaches and health professionals. In addition, the questionnaires presented four different teaching, coaching and mentoring styles, which were asked to be evaluated from different perspectives. Finally, they were asked about their experiences and views on teaching, coaching and counselling in physical education, as well as their own experiences and views on their own work. The situations asked in the questionnaire for teachers were related to, for example, different behaviors of students and how the teacher would act and communicate in these situations. The questions also asked how the teacher communicated with students about issues such as classroom rules, lesson plans, test results, homework and related objectives. In the questionnaire for trainers, the situations were related to issues such as dealing with the different emotional and behavioral states of the athlete, performance levels and how to deal with them, motivation of the athlete and situations related to training. Whereas, in the questionnaire for health professionals, the situations were related to communicating with clients in relation to exercise and health advice. Background variables included age, gender, type of employment, length of employment, work experience and educational level.