Study title
Conferment Ceremony Memories 2023
Finnish Literature Society. Archive
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3823 (URN)
The data consists of writings related to conferment ceremony memories. In the open writing call people were asked to write about their memories and experiences of the conferment ceremonies. The respondents were asked whether they had participated in a conferment ceremony at a Finnish university and what their experience of participating in a ceremony was like. In a series of supplementary questions, they were also asked, for example, what kind of feelings and thoughts academic rituals evoke in them and why, and what kind of meaning the respondent would give to the conferment ceremony as a community experience. The respondents were also provided an opportunity to consider possible problems for the future viability of conferment ceremonies, and why some people might be alienated by those ceremonies. The respondent's gender, age and occupation are given as background information, if provided by the respondent. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.