Study title
Finnish Memories of Colonies 2021
Finnish Literature Society. Archive
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3775 (URN)
The data consists of writings related to Finns' memories of the colonies. The aim of the data collection was to gather information on how the European colonies and colonialism were reflected in Finnish everyday life in the 20th century. In the call for writings, a number of questions were given to help with the writing process. The questions asked the respondents to write about, for example, what the word 'colony' brought to mind, where they got information about the people, cultures and products of the colonies, and what kind of opportunities there were for meeting people from far away in Finland. Other questions included memories of colonial product shops and of buying exotic fruits, spices and other products. In the help questions, participants were also asked to reflect on how colonialism is seen in Finland and the world today. Background information includes the respondent's gender, year of birth, occupation and place of residence, if provided by the respondent. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.