Summary information

Study title

Location and Commuting : the Response to Railway Fare/Network Changes in London and the South East, 1980-1982


University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies

Study number / PID

1791 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-1791-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This dataset consists of five separate surveys with varying purposes, as described below. (a) Pilot survey at a central London office: to test both the method of distributing and collecting questionnaires via the internal mail system of the participating organisation and to assess the style and content of the questionnare. (b) Central London Office employees survey: to gather information about those characteristics of individuals and attributes of their journey to work which might play an important role in determining their choice of home, or workplace, and means of commuting to work. Information was sought on those factors which may influence an individual's response to changes in the cost of rail travel and service level changes. (c) Workplace interviews of recent home movers: to investigate aspects of the residential search process. (d) Hertfordshire rail commuters survey: to investigate the impact of rail fare increases and service level changes on the locational and commuting behaviour of Central London commuters. (e) Household and (f) Individual interviews in Hertfordshire: to obtain a detailed history of the household's composition since its formation (or within the last ten years, if shorter), enabling decisions about location or mode choice to be viewed against the appropriate circumstances. Main Topics:Variables (a) Pilot survey at a Central London office: Previous and present home locations, previous and present workplace locations, dates of moves for both home and work, occupation, tenure, household composition, car and car availability, characteristics of the journey to work, availability and takeup of housing and travel assistance from the employer, willingness to be interviewed in depth. (b) Central London office employees survey: Present home location, previous home location, date of move, number of moves in last ten years, household tenure and composition by age, sex and...
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Data collection period

06/08/1980 - 23/08/1982



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit



(a) All employees of the Central London head office of an organisation;(b) All staff at the London office locations selected except that in some organisations the sample was restricted to particular departments;(c) Employees of London Transport and Prudential Assurance company;(d) Weekly and longer period season ticket holders, both past and present, at six stations in Hertfordshire;(e) and (f) Rail commuters in Hertfordshire

Sampling procedure

No sampling (total universe)
Quota sample
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
No sampling was done for (a) and (b).
A systematic random sample was drawn for (c) and (e).
A quota sample was drawn for (d): 500 per station, approximately two thirds current monthly or longer period ticket holders and one third lapsed users of such tickets.
In addition, all weekly ticket purchases over a given weekend were sampled.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Postal survey
Face-to-face interviews were conducted for (c), (e) and (f); postal surveys were done for (a), (b) and (d).



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Nash, C. and Johnson, I. (1981) Preliminary results from a survey of present and past rail commuters in the Hertfordshire area, [Working paper].: University of Leeds Institute of Transport Studies.
  • Mackett, R. (1980) The survey strategy and questionnaire design components of the location and commuting project [Research report], : University of Leeds Institute of Transport Studies.
  • Mackett, R. and Johnson, I. (1981) Location and commuting project preliminary analysis of the pilot survey in a Central London company, [Working paper].: University of Leeds Institute of Transport Studies.