Summary information

Study title

ISSP 2012: Family, Work and Gender Roles IV: Finnish Data


International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)
Blom, Raimo (University of Tampere. School of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Melin, Harri (University of Tampere. School of Social Sciences and Humanities) - 0000-0003-3203-9228
Tanskanen, Eero (Statistics Finland. Interview and Survey Services)

Study number / PID

FSD2820 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2820 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2820 (DOI)

Data access



ISSP (International Social Survey Programme)

ISSP is a continuous programme of cross-national collaboration on social science surveys. It is based on annual, internationally integrated surveys carried out in all participating countries. A self-financed consortium of various research institutions is in charge of the programme. The ISSP data collection started in 1985, and in Finland in 2000, along with the national membership. The GESIS in Germany is responsible for archiving the ISSP data. Country-specific codebooks and questionnaires can be found on the GESIS ISSP web pages. ZACAT, the data portal of the GESIS, offers information on...

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The survey charted Finnish views on family and family roles, work and division of labour. The respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with statements about working women and the roles of men and women in the family, the importance of marriage, parenting capabilities of single parents and same-sex couples, and the importance of children to parents. Opinions on the ideal number of children in a family were investigated. Views on paid parental leave (its length, who should be responsible for its costs and how it should be divided between the mother and father) were examined as well as opinions on the responsibilities of the mother and father in terms of work and childcare. Concerning child day care, the respondents were asked who should primarily offer child day care services and who should mainly be responsible for the costs of day care. Similar questions were asked about the home help services for the elderly. Number of hours per week spent on chores and taking care of family members by the respondents were charted. Those respondents who were cohabiting, married or in a civil union were asked questions focusing on the management of finances, division of chores, decision-making concerning leisure time, and differences in income. Tiredness resulting from work, chores or family duties was investigated as well as self-perceived general health and satisfaction in work, family life and life in general. Those respondents who had children were asked whether they or their spouse had worked outside home when the children were young and who was/had been responsible for raising the children. Background variables included, among others, the respondent's gender, year of birth, marital status, number of years in education, level and length of education, number of hours per week spent working, status in employment, economic activity, spouse's education level and status in employment, self-perceived social class, religious affiliation, political party choice in the...
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Data collection period

21/09/2012 - 07/12/2012



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



People aged 15-74 living in Finland

Sampling procedure

Probability: Systematic random

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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