Summary information

Study title

NOKUT National Student Survey – Vocational School Study Programme 2018, All Variables


Hauge, Magnus Strand (Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen)

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

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Not available


NOKUT National Student Survey – Vocational School Study Programme 2018, All Variables NOKUT shall through various means contribute to society's trust in the quality of higher and vocational education. The student surveys are a part of NOKUTs strategic efforts to document the condition of the sector. The student survey for university and university college students has been conducted every year since 2013 and has been established as an important national survey. In 2017, NOKUT was assigned the commission by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research to conduct an equivalent student survey among vocational school students. This is a part of the follow up of the vocational school report “Fagfolk for fremtiden” (Skilled workers for the future). The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research writes the following in an allocation letter dated the 9th of June: “The student survey of the vocational school students will be a web portal which will show the current opinions the vocational school students have about the quality of the education of which they are studying. The survey will make it possible to compare educations across and within fields of study and institutions”. A pilot survey in 9 vocational schools was conducted the autumn of 2017. The first full scale survey was conducted the spring of 2018. The survey was dispatched to all vocational schools in Norway except from one. By including the vocational school student survey, NOKUTs student surveys cover all tertiary educations, which means all educations that builds on upper secondary education. The survey covers the student's opinions about the quality of the educational provision at Norwegian vocational schools. The purpose of the survey is to provide information about the quality of education to educational institutions, students, student applicants, the authorities and other actors. This file contains information about both educational offers, institutions etc. and personal background...
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Data collection period

10/04/2018 - 02/05/2018


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



All vocational students at Norwegian vocational schools that started their education before the 1st of January 2018. In addition, the vocational schools themselves could ask that students that started their education the 1st of January 2018 or later were sent the questionnaire. The following vocational schools wanted this: Beverage Academy AS, Fagskolen Innlandet, Folkeuniversitetets helsefagskole, Fredrikstad FagAkademi AS, Norges Yrkesakademi, Norsk Hestesenter og Tone Lise Akademiet AS. It was not possible to obtain the contact information of the students at the vocational school European Helicopter Center. Students at this vocational school were therefore left out of the survey.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


Ministry of Education and Research



Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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