Summary information

Study title

Diaconia Barometer 2013


Diakonian tutkimuksen seura
Church Council. Diakonia ja yhteiskuntatyö
Diakoniatyöntekijöiden Liitto

Study number / PID

FSD2941 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2941 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2941 (DOI)

Data access



Diaconia Barometers

Diaconia Barometers map the opinions and experiences of the diaconal workers on topical themes related to diaconal work. Main themes include the contents, priorities, resources and partnerships of the diaconal work, as well as the job description of the diaconal workers. The surveys have been conducted regularly since 1999. Barometers have been carried out by, among others, Diakonian tutkimuksen seura (Finnish Society for Diaconal Research), Diakoniatyöntekijöiden liitto DTL (Diaconal Workers' Association), and the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. FSD...

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Diaconia Barometers chart the diaconal workers' views and experiences of their work. The survey examined the areas and emphases of diaconal work, diaconal cooperation, job satisfaction and and workload, and experiences of bullying at the workplace. The respondents were asked the extent to which various areas of diaconia were part of the work in their parish (e.g. preventive social work, health promotion), to what extent they had diaconal cooperation with various actors and institutions, who was responsible for deciding the content/tasks in their work, whether their job had a clear job description, whether they had an annual discussion about their job description with their supervisor, and how many qualified applicants there usually were for open diaconal positions of the parish. Experiences of bullying in the workplace were surveyed by asking whether bullying by colleagues, supervisors or customers occurred at the workplace and whether anyone had experienced violence or threat of violence at the workplace in the previous 12 months. Job satisfaction was charted with a number of statements. Workload was futher examined by asking how much different things increased the respondents' workload and how much various means of coping had helped them with the workload. Background variables included the respondent's diocese, year of birth, gender, education, number of work years in diaconal work, number of inhabitants in the municipality, number of members in the parish, and whether the respondent worked in a supervisory position.


Data collection period

06/03/2013 - 22/03/2013



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Diaconal workers of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Related publications

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  • Kiiski, Jouko (2013). Diakoniatyöntekijä. Rinnallakulkija ja kaatopaikka. Diakoniabarometri 2013. Helsinki: Kirkon tutkimuskeskus. Kirkon tutkimuskeskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 33.$FILE/verkkojulkaisu33.pdf [viitattu 19.12.2014].
  • Kiiski, Jouko (2015). Diakoniatyöntekijöiden työssään kokema kuormitus. Diakonian tutkimus 1/2015, 7-31.
  • Malkavaara, Mikko & Ryökäs, Esko (2015). Diakonia-apu oikeutena. Suomalaisen ajattelutavan kehittyminen. Diakonian tutkimus 2/2015, 107-127.