Summary information

Study title

Practices of Working Life 2012: Employers


University of Tampere. Work Research Center (WRC)

Study number / PID

FSD2955 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2955 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2955 (DOI)

Data access



Individual datasets

Individual datasets that do not belong to any series.


The survey focused on organisational practices and organisational change in Finland. Data were collected from private and public sector employers through telephone interviews. The contents of the survey were influenced by the MEADOW (Measuring the Dynamics of Organisations and Work) tool created to collect data on change at work and in organisations at the European level, both from employers and employees. Another influence were the national MEADOW surveys in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. This dataset forms the Finnish employer-level MEADOW survey. However, some parts of the Finnish survey differ from corresponding surveys in the other Nordic countries as the Finnish data contain more information on, for instance, organisational change and ways to implement changes, as well as on the role of employees in those changes and employee well-being. Both employer-level (FSD2955) and employee-level (FSD2954) surveys have been archived and the data can be combined using the organisation number variable. First, the interviewees were asked about their job in the organisation, and how long they had been doing it. Main characteristics of the organisation were investigated with questions on the number of employees in Finland and elsewhere, years of operation, type of organisation, main products or services, and main customer groups. The share of employees with temporary, part-time or employment agency contracts were surveyed. Further questions studied changes in staff numbers in the past two years and the reason behind employment growth or decline. Organisational structure was investigated by asking about the number of organisational levels, organisation into divisions or departments, team work practices, team autonomy, and involvement of non-managerial employees in improvement and development work. Questions on flexibility at work charted whether non-managerial employees could telecommute or choose when to start or end their daily work. Quality monitoring practices, customer...
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Data collection period

02/05/2012 - 20/06/2012



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Private companies and public sector organisations employing at least 10 persons

Excludes: agriculture and forestry employers

Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Telephone interview



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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