Study title
Attitudes of Younger People towards Retirement Arrangements
Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA6637, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitudes towards retirement arrangements.
Topics: political interest; interest in the topic of pension and social policy.
Questions about finances and retirement arragement: own financial planning; importance of old-age provision; contact with the topic of old-age provision; awareness of pension options; assessment of responsibilities in the area of old-age provision; approval of statements on statutory old-age provision; attitudes towards various pension policy measures; questions on age hedge; importance of information options on the subject of old-age provision.
Questions about private old-age provision: questions about own private pension; reasons why the respondent has not provided for one´s own age; consent to statements on private pensions; questions about a possible occupational pension scheme.
Questions about the relationship of the older and younger generation.
Demography: sex; age; education; targeted graduation; employment; occupational position; marital status; confession; household net income.
Additionally coded was: respondent ID; federal state; city size; weighting factor.