Study title
Sociological Investigation - Schwerin/Schelfstadt 1989
Lehrstuhl für Soziologie an der Sektion Gebietsplanung und Städtebau der Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen Weimar
Study number / PID
ZA6365, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Housing conditions, leisure time and culture selection, neighborhood
contacts and solidarity with residential area.
Topics: Length of residence in building, in residential area and in
the city; number of rooms and persons in residence; changes
undertaken oneself in residence; satisfaction with residence;
property relationships of the residence and building; number of
households in residential building; rooms used in common; size of
neighborhood; community activities in the neighborhood; interest in
matters regarding building and land; possibility of satisfaction of
selected needs in the immediate residential surroundings (scale) and
satisfaction with this; satisfaction with shopping opportunities,
service facilities, play opportunities, traffic situation as well as
with the culture and leisure facilities; polarity profile on the
impressions of the residential area; center of the residential area;
interest in the matters of the residential area; participation in
activities in the residential area; feeling at home; extent to which
informed about re-structuring plans in the residential area;
possibility of participation in these plans; places at which one
spends leisure time after work and on the weekend in the warm season;
use of leisure objects such as yard, bungalow, boat, garage or
long-term camping spot; possession of vehicle; use of means of
transport for relaxation on the weekend, shopping and to drive to
work; stress from the route to work; shift work.