Summary information

Study title

Koper area study


Mlinar, Zdravko (Fakulteta za družbene vede)

Study number / PID

KP96 (ADP)


Data access

Information not available


Koper Area Study

Koper area studies are part of Development project Koper 2020 and try to identify sociological extensions of socio-spatial development of Koper municipality in next quarter of the century. The purpose of this research was to tackle with the spatial problems and finding suitable solutions. The survey also included changes in developing process, the role of municipality, activating self-aid, and relations to other municipalities, development perspectives, questions of local development, and preserving (self)identities of municipality Koper. At the same time the survey capture the sociological...

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Survey is a part of bigger research on trends of development of Koper community. Author's intention is to research the tolerance threshold and general sensation among high school students in Koper. By doing this, survey presents preliminary phase for research in year 1998 and at the same time contributes to problem of awareness and possibilities to control social and spatial changes in Koper municipality. Apart from classic demographic questions, author intended to research different attitudes on high school students and their views on city's future and its order.
Survey is a part of bigger research on trends of development of Koper community. Author's intention is to research the tolerance threshold and general sensation among high school students in Koper. By doing this, survey presents preliminary phase for research in year 1998 and at the same time contributes to problem of awareness and possibilities to control social and spatial changes in Koper municipality. Apart from classic demographic questions, author intended to research different attitudes on high school students and their views on city's future and its order.
Survey is a part of bigger research on trends of development of Koper community. Author's intention is to research the tolerance threshold and general sensation among high school students in Koper. By doing this, survey presents preliminary phase for research in year 1998 and at the same time contributes to problem of awareness and possibilities to control social and spatial changes in Koper municipality. Apart from classic demographic questions, author intended to research different attitudes on high school students and their views on city's future and its order.


Data collection period

03/05/1996 - 04/05/1996



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Individuals that were not present in the class and individuals that refused cooperation.

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire



Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives

Publication year


Terms of data access

The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.

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