Summary information

Study title

Swedish National Election Study 2018


Ekengren Oscarsson, Henrik (Department of Political Science , University of Gothenburg)
Andersson, Dennis (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)
Hedberg, Per (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)
Karlsson, Richard (Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg)

Study number / PID

2024-479-1 (SND) (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The Swedish National Election study 2018 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). The Swedish election studies have been conducted at all parliamentary elections, referendums and European Parliament elections since 1956. For the first time, the study was carried out as completely postal and web mixed mode, but with the same basic design: rolling long-term panels, campaign panel with pre-election and follow-up survey and voter validation. Respondents had the option of completing the survey by filling in a paper questionnaire sent by post or by completing the survey online. The Swedish National Election study 2018 consisted of three stages: stage A (pre-election survey), stage B (post-election survey) and stage C (separate post-election survey as part of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)). The sample (23,398 persons in total) is representative of the Swedish population aged 18-85 and eligible to vote in the parliamentary election. Swedish citizens living abroad or with a protected identity are not included in the sample. Of the total sample, 15,398 were included in stages A and B. This sample is drawn jointly for both stages and is set up as a rolling two-stage panel. Half of the sample already participated in the 2014 Election Survey and will participate again in the 2018 Election Survey. This incoming panel was added with respondents from the 2014 European Election Survey. The other half of the sample will participate for the first time in 2018 and will be contacted again to participate in the 2022 Election Survey. The stage C sample consists of 8000 people, is drawn separately and not part of the long-term panels. Fieldwork for stage A, the pre-election survey, started on August 2 and ended on September 13. By September 10, Stage A respondents had received a short follow-up survey. Fieldwork for stage B, the post-election survey, started on the day...
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Data collection period

09/08/2018 - 06/11/2018



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section
Longitudinal: Panel
Time series

Analysis unit



Swedish citizens of ages 18-85 years living in Sweden and eligible to vote in the parliamentary election.

Sampling procedure

The 2018 Swedish National Election Study includes a representative sample of 23,398 Swedish citizens aged 18-85 eligible to vote in the election. Swedish citizens living abroad and persons with protected identity are not included in the sample. Of the total sample, 8,000 persons were included in the CSES survey and the remaining 15,398 were included in the Swedish National Election Study stage A and B. The Swedish National Election Studies contain rolling long-term panels between elections. Part of the sample belongs to the 2014-2018 panel and was included in the sample for the 2014 Election Study. Part of the sample belongs instead to the 2018-2022 panel and is again included in the sample for the 2022 Election Study. The stage C sample is drawn separately and is not part of the long-term panels.
Probability: Simple random

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Mixed mode, mail/web
Self-administered questionnaire
Mixed mode, mail/web.
Self-administered questionnaire



Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Access to data is restricted.

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