Study title
Starting Situation on the State Parliament Election in North Rhine-Westphalia 1962
Study number / PID
ZA0013, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on the political situation in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Topics: Political interest; judgement on Federal Chancellor Adenauer
and Erhard as well as the CDU/FDP coalition in Bonn; expectations of
the FDP as a party and as member of the government; judgement on the
result of the last Federal Parliament election; degree of familiarity
of the FDP ministers and the foreign minister; judgement on the Berlin
policies and foreign policy; attitude to a Ministry of Education at
federal level and religious denomination schools; preferred government
coalition in North Rhine-Westphalia; most important problems of the
state; degree of familiarity of state politicians; judgement on the
conduct of the parties in the election campaign for Federal Parliament;
memory of advertising posters; evaluation of advertising texts; media
usage; attitude to change of party preference; party preference at
federal and state level; behavior at the polls in the last Federal
Parliament election; city size and administrative district.
Demography: sex; age (classified); marital status; religious
denomination; school education; self-assessment of social class;
employment; occupation; size of household; refugee; income
(classified); household income (classified); interest in politics;
number of children; possession of durable economic goods .
Interviewer rating: opinion leadership or ease of influencing
respondent; social class of respondent.