Study title
Cologne Election Study (State Election in North Rhine-Westphalia 1962, Preliminary Investigation)
Scheuch, Erwin K. (Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln)
Wildenmann, Rudolf (Forschungsinstitut für Politische Wissenschaft und Europäische Fragen, Universität zu Köln)
Baumert, Gerhard (DIVO, Frankfurt )
Study number / PID
ZA0062, Version 2.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on parties and politicians on the state parliament election
in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Topics: Political extent to which informed; judgement on the sincerity
of conversation partners in political discussions; sources of political
information and media usage; importance of elections and political work
at the various political levels; attitude to federal national
government; preferred authority distribution between federal government
and state; preferred federal chancellor and desired coalition after the
state parliament election; satisfaction with state government; most
important political problems at state level; image of the parties as
well as sympathy scale for the SPD, CDU, FDP and selected politicians;
knowledge about the constituency delegate; certainty and time of
personal voting decision; reason for one´s own election participation
and party preference; party preference of family and friends; party one
cannot vote for; expected changes with an SPD victory; assessment of
the significance of the election campaign; attitude to intervention of
special interest groups in election campaign events; attention to the
election campaign; distance from workplace and means of transport used;
judgement on the economic situation (Katona questions); memberships;
Demography: possession of durable economic goods; head of household;
marital status; occupation; age (classified); size of household;
regional origins; refugee status; personally a prisoner of war;
household income (classified); school training and vocational training;
military service; social origins; religious denomination; sex.
Interviewer rating: social class of respondent; city size; type of
building and condition of residence; length of interview; willingness
of respondent to cooperate; number of contact attempts.